The Magic of Kindness and Its Rewards

Amazing Mini Miracles strives to share the magic of kindness throughout our community, and by doing so, we have realized the formula by receiving the rewards ourselves.
The Magic of Kindness and Its Rewards

How we met the Byler family
Our miniature horses have connected us with the wonderful world of the horse community. We have enjoyed our involvement with different groups nearby, one being the Facebook Group “Valley Center Friends,” where we learned of Brett Byler, his family, and the struggles they were facing.
Brett Byler dedicated his life to serving his community and protecting others as a marine. After he served his country, he became a police officer, serving with the San Diego Police Department, and then the Escondido Police Department. Brett is the sole income provider for his wife and three young children, ages 6, 4, and 1.
In February of 2020, Brett was diagnosed with a 5.5-centimeter brain tumor. He underwent brain surgery and was awaiting transfer to Palomar Rehabilitation Center for acute rehab to re-learn how to walk and use his left arm while he was awaiting his chemo and radiation treatments at UCSD and Kaiser.
We Support​
We read their story and the GoFundMe page set up for Brett and his family. A GoFundMe seemed like a great start for the Byler family, but we knew in our hearts that we could do something in addition to the GoFundMe page. Brett's diagnosis was unfortunately unfavorable, and we wanted to spread joy to this wonderful family that had given so much of their lives to the community through Brett’s serving the San Diego Community as a police officer, and our country before that. We reached out to the Byler family to see if we could bring our mini therapy horses to Palomar Rehabilitation Center to help lift Brett’s spirits.
The message we received from the Byler family was very rewarding for Amazing Mini Miracles. The Byler's wanted to coordinate with their family so all the children could be there together, giving them the memory of their dad (also Uncle Brett) and giving them something special when they went to visit him at the hospital.
Amazing Mini Miracles felt grateful to be able to be a part of this gift of happiness and joy. We felt blessed we could provide community support to this struggling family.

Our Visit​
The day we took our miniature therapy horses to Palomar Rehabilitation Center to visit Brett and his family was incredibly special. The family was just so lovely. We felt kindness and love rippling throughout the room, even from the children. Brett was sitting in his wheelchair with what appeared to be heavy, large staples holding his long incision together from his brain surgery. He was smiling, gentle, kind, and thankful. As soon as the mini therapy horses entered the room, you could feel everyone’s spirit lift. Everyone had smiles from ear to ear.

So Much Love​
Once we were outside, the children and the minis enjoyed meeting each other again. The minis were appreciative of the grass while the children gave them admiration and hugs.

The children
were so patient letting
the minis have a moment
of personal space before
they could slowly
approach them.

We say
All of the children in this family were so kind and loving to each other. They were precious and adorable!

in Silence and
Feeling Happy?
We say
This moment of joy is exactly the kind of experience we are trying to create with our nonprofit. Amazing Mini Miracles brought the Magic of Kindness, and we were so happy to bring a moment of peace and happiness to this family going through such a difficult time.
Our reward was not only being able to help offer this comfort to the Bylers and to be able to be a part of the happiness but that the Bylers shared their photographs with us, a gift for us to be able to illustrate our mission with true life photographs.
This is our mission, for our therapy mini horses to visit individuals and spread compassion, joy, happiness, and magic throughout the community.
After Brett’s stay at Palomar, we sent various items we thought might keep the children quiet and content during Brett’s recovery at home. Mariah, Brett’s wife, sent us a note to thank us, and she also sent photos of the children playing with some of the items. we sent. She wrote:

“…Oh my goodness, you have kept us sane…please know that you have made an impact on us with your gestures.”
- Mariah (Brett's wife)

contact us if you
would like to help this lovely family in any
way possible.
If you have ever reached out to someone and realized the experience of The Magic of Kindness and Its Rewards, send us your story so we can share your experience in our Newsletter.