Hands-On Horse Interaction Programs for Children and Adults

A really fun way to learn about our life skills through a horse's heart!
We have found that the combination of kindness, compassion, encouragement, and hands-on horse interaction is powerful. Horses are extremely intelligent and naturally empathetic and compassionate, which explains why the love they offer, their kindness, their inner strength, and their wisdom are so healing. They offer emotional support to humans and to each other. Learning about horses, combined with our "From the Heart" programs, will teach youths to embrace the importance of offering emotional support to others, and other life skills that help get us through life gracefully.

Mini Hooves Reading Program
Tier 1 provides children the opportunity to have fun reading while enjoying open discussions that help them grasp vocabulary terms that foster kindness. This enables them to experience the value of giving social support, nurturing, having a sense of community. It can also aid in realizing how unintentional hurtful words and actions can be bullying. By combining their focus on terms of kindness and understanding the importance of thoughtful words and actions, their future will be brighter and easier to navigate toward safe environments.

Mini Hooves Kindness Challenge
Tier 2 – Tier 1 graduates implement what they have learned into their daily lives. Research shows a habit is often formed after only 18 days of continued action. By reaching out to at least one person a day for 30 days and journalizing their daily experience, via written entries, drawings, photos, or videos, they are on their way to appreciating a lifestyle of kindness.
From the Heart Team Building Activities
Tier 3 – Our "From the Heart" team building activities teach children the value of sharing their ideas through kindness and consideration of one another, and to learn from the horses how to offer emotional support to their team members.

Our Gallop to Greatness program was created by the Hooves and Hearts team. This program is designed to teach participants they have what it takes to be great. Going through the obstacle course and team building activities, participants will experience creative thinking and problem solving. Through the unique partnership with horses, children learn growth and development.

Corporate Event Programs

Amazing Mini Miracles travels throughout San Diego County offering businesses an opportunity to show their employees how much they appreciate them. A little bit of love goes a long way – we can even bring our obstacle course!
Team Building
Thank You,
for inviting us to participate in Associates Appreciation Day!
Geico Headquarters
Poway, California
Team building is the process of strengthening bonds between members of a group for the purpose of more efficiently achieving the group's goals.
We create obstacle courses that the teams work through while attaining their set goals. We are creative and offer different scenarios and environments.

Surprise Your Staff
What a special day! Dr. Kim, with Sharp Reese-Stealy, reached out to us to come to her office and surprise her staff. She said they had been working so hard and for so long that she wanted to thank them.
A truly special heart-felt moment for everyone.
"Mini Hug Days"
"Mini Hug Days" are special days for your employees. We can walk the premises or be at designated spots and times so your employees know where we will be during the different times of the day to give their hug to a mini horse.
What a great way to welcome your employees back to work or guests to your resort!

The Valor VIP Program

The Valor VIP Program, created by Lisa Moad, is designed to help end bullying by building good character development.